Sponsoring an ISM-Houston Event

ISM-Houston is the nation's premier local supply chain organization. Our member base is active and dynamic due in part to our monthly events that helps our membership to grow, learn and network.

By becoming an event sponsor you are helping to keep our membership active and growing. Our members and your company benefit from committed sponsors like you.

(Note: by clicking a button below, you will be taken to another website for payment processing)

Professional Dinner Meeting (PDM) Event

1 Event/Monthly

3 Events/Quarterly

All Events/Yearly

Exhibit Table, 4 Dinner Tickets, Logo displayed on Announcements, Logo displayed on Monthly Newsletter, Logo displayed on ISM-Houston website, Logo displayed on event social media posts.

Emerging Professional Group (EPG) Event

1 Event/Monthly

3 Events/Quarterly

All Events/Yearly

Exhibit Table, 4 Attendee Tickets, Introduction Opportunity, Logo Displayed on Monthly Newsletter, Logo displayed on Monthly Newsletter, Logo displayed on ISM-Houston website, Logo displayed on event social media posts.

Event Media Sponsor (PDM Livestream/Podcast/Mixer)

1 Event/Monthly

3 Events/Quarterly

All Events/Yearly

Co-branding of logo on all media packages and releases, Logo displayed on Announcements, Logo displayed on Monthly Newsletter, Logo displayed on ISM-Houston website, Logo displayed on event social media posts. Attendee tickets as applicable to event.

Newsletter Sponsorship

1 Event/Monthly

3 Events/Quarterly

All Events/Yearly

Logo displayed on Monthly Newsletter and event follow emails to membership (minimum 3/month)

We welcome and appreciate sponsors supporting our professional meetings, educational programs, supplier diversity expo or other events. Contributions could be expensed and come with perks such as getting visibility through our marketing channels.

We can provide custom SPONSORSHIP PACKAGES upon request. For this and  any other questions or inquiries, please contact Gerardo Gonzales.

Darren Rowan, Sponsorship Chair
ISM-Houston, Inc
(346) 544-1133

To Make A One-Time Donation

Donations are always welcome and needed to keep ISM-Houston active and thriving. Donations can be given in any amount.

To make a one-time donation, please click the Donation button below.

(Note: by clicking Donation button below, you will be taken to another website for payment processing)

Thanks To Our Sponsors For Sponsoring The 2022-2023 Program Year!